Category Archives: faith

Wisdom a day at a time

The book of James says, almost at the beginning, “if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously to all and it will be given him.

Of course, I can think of three sources for Wisdom. Our experiences, the experiences of others, and the Word of God. When we want to gain it from our own experiences it goes like this “I need to make my own mistakes” which is generally a pretty lame excuse for “I am going to assert my own control of my life here rather than listen to anyone else.” (implication: Yeah I know I shouldn’t but…i really want to do this stupid thing)

Making mistakes because we lack knowledge (and forgot to add the eggs to a cake mix or didn’t know that you don’t hook up the positive cable to the negative post on a battery) is one thing, but doing so simply TO make a mistake is simply foolish.

Anyway, as I said, others and God’s word also provide us with wisdom. As far as God’s word goes, Proverbs is a good source of wisdom and conveniently enough there are 31 chapters in this book. Which means that in many months you can read just one chapter a day and finish the book in 1 month. Try doing that 12 months in the year. Sure you will have to double up in February a few days, but it is worth it.
I imagine, that if you did this, the wisdom would start to sink in a little bit…..Then when you come upon a situation you otherwise wouldn’t have known how to handle, you can say….Thanks to God, I have that covered.