Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ministers looking for health insurance

I was asked to write a brief post in regards to Health insurance for preachers. It is one of the things that I think many preachers forget to consider or if they do consider it, they don’t realize the price of such insurance.  When you are young and just starting out, as you plan a budget or negotiate a price, you should not forget to include health insurance as part of your planned expenses.

The best time to get insurance is when you do not need it and sign up with a company that is a full service health insurance company. When you are young, the cost is obviously lower. Planning ahead allows you to forecast that prices will go up over the years, not that you really have to use a calculator for that, just ask the generation before you.

So in writing an article offering my help to those in this field, I know that some groups of churches offer group plans to their members and some ministers are on their own to find the insurance that works for them. You should first check to see if such a plan exists for you in your groups structure.

The Disciples of Christ offer a pension and health care plan that extends to a couple of other groups as well. Basically, their plan is open to all compensated employees of any congregation that is associated with the Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell Restoration movement. This would include the churches of Christ and Christian churches as well and a couple other groups.

Their plan is a group plan which is great if you have pre-existing conditions because your acceptance is guaranteed. The cost may be a bit higher but at least you can get in. When I say the cost is higher, I mean that you pay 100% of the plan cost whereas normally an employer would pay 50% or more.

For those of you who go the individual family plan route, I would suggest that you consider an HSA plan. Health Savings Accounts allow you to set aside money, get an additional tax deduction, and save up for a rainy day. You really only need your deductibles amount saved up but the monthly costs are usually lower. It is a plan that can be described as a catastrophic plan and one where you take more control and responsibility for your own expenses.

Never knowing how many will read this, you are welcome to contact me and see if I can help you. I am able to offer insurance in several states and can get permission quickly in most of the others, just let me know how I can help.



It didn’t take a genius…

to figure out that Congress’ new Super committee was going to be a super dud. I am not going to write political blogs, I have opinions but don’t wish to waste the energy. What is patently true and should be recognized by everyone is the Politicians are not going to be the solution to the problem. As I mentioned to friends just a week ago Sunday, there will be no cuts from this committee, automatic or otherwise.  Today I see a headline about Congress maybe considering postponing the automatic cuts.

My tip for the day is to stop worrying about Washington. Sure they could mess things up even worse, but don’t think for a second that they will make it better. Pick the side you want to be on, Republican, Democrat, Independent, or some other mix, there is no desire to truly fix it. It is up to you and me to take responsibility for our own lives and become the best individual citizens we can be, maybe it will rub off. Or at least your neighborhood will be a better one.

Go about your business and follow the Golden rule. For most problems in your life you will be able to say ‘I have that covered”


You do not need life insurance….

If there is no one depending on your income.

One of the things life insurance agents forget in the pursuit of clients is that not all clients need to have life insurance.  To determine if you need life insurance just ask yourself: Who depends on my income?

If the answer is no one then you don’t need life insurance.

Another question is: How much am I able to leave for those who depend on me.

If the answer is that you are leaving enough to pay off all your obligations and still have money left over, you may not need much or any at all.  Most individuals will find that 10 to 15 times their annual income is sufficient. However, if you happen to have that amount saved, then why bother with the life policy?

Life insurance is for the ones left behind. A small to medium size policy can make a huge difference in the future of those you leave behind. Term life is the most inexpensive and the one I recommend in 98% of the cases.

One thing is for sure, if you pass on and some one asks your family how they are doing financially….the 2nd best compliment they can give you is that you had it covered.

This test contains no post.

this test contains no post.

Cold calling phobia?

You know, I have found that cold calling can be a lot of fun if you simply be honest and up front with people. For example, when a person answers the phone, I introduce myself, First AND last name. I don’t know if this gives me any more credibility with them but immediately they know who I am, even if they did not catch the name clearly.
I ask them how they are doing today and most of them respond positively.
Then I tell them “I work as an insurance agent….” no hiding my agenda
and I ask them “Do you shop and compare your insurance policy when it renews or not?”

I do not emphasis the NOT but it certainly gives them the opportunity to say no, they do not. I don’t have to pressure them, I am looking for people who are open, not people I have to badger into doing something.

I have to give credit for much of this technique to Jacques Werth and his “High Probability Selling” process. (Yeah, just Google it) Without his guidance, I still might be trying to talk my way past objections and making the prospect feel not so important.

Cold calling phobia? I got that covered.