You do not need life insurance….

If there is no one depending on your income.

One of the things life insurance agents forget in the pursuit of clients is that not all clients need to have life insurance.  To determine if you need life insurance just ask yourself: Who depends on my income?

If the answer is no one then you don’t need life insurance.

Another question is: How much am I able to leave for those who depend on me.

If the answer is that you are leaving enough to pay off all your obligations and still have money left over, you may not need much or any at all.  Most individuals will find that 10 to 15 times their annual income is sufficient. However, if you happen to have that amount saved, then why bother with the life policy?

Life insurance is for the ones left behind. A small to medium size policy can make a huge difference in the future of those you leave behind. Term life is the most inexpensive and the one I recommend in 98% of the cases.

One thing is for sure, if you pass on and some one asks your family how they are doing financially….the 2nd best compliment they can give you is that you had it covered.

About Steven Sarff

If I were to offer any one piece of advice to one wishing to serve God, it would be to put Hebrews 11:6 and Acts 17:11 into action and let God guide you to grow in the grace and knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ.

Posted on November 7, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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